SleetTFT is a TFT competitive player, who was able to get the attention of the community with his TFT achievements, such as peaking Challenger top 10 in NA region, in both set 1 and set 2.
SleetTFT's favourite champions
Lux (29%)
Lulu (27%)
Ashe (22%)
Kassadin (19%)
Kayle (19%)
MissFortune (18%)
*Percentage shows the play rate of the champions
SleetTFT's favourite traits
Set9_Bastion (16%)
Celestial (15%)
Sorcerer (15%)
Set9_Technogenius (14%)
Set9_Armorclad (14%)
Chrono (14%)
Mercenary (13%)
Blademaster (13%)
Set9_Preserver (12%)
*Percentage shows the play rate of the traits
SleetTFT's best items
Guardian Angel
Wearer revives with 400 health
SleetTFT has mostly used Guardian Angel on the following champions:
Infinity Edge
+100% Critical Strike Chance and +20% Critical Strike Damage
SleetTFT has mostly used Infinity Edge on the following champions:
Red Buff
Attacks deal 10% of the enemy's maximum Health as burn damage over 4s and prevent healing
SleetTFT has mostly used Red Buff on the following champions:
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Attacks grant 5% attack speed (stacks infinitely)
SleetTFT has mostly used Guinsoo's Rageblade on the following champions:
Runaan's Hurricane
Summon a spirit who mirrors your attacks, dealing 70% Damage
SleetTFT has mostly used Runaan's Hurricane on the following champions:
The wearer is immune to crowd control for the first 10 seconds
SleetTFT has mostly used Quicksilver on the following champions:
Ionic Spark
Enemies within 3 hexes that cast a spell are zapped, taking magic damage equal to 200% their max mana and reducing their Magic Resist by 40%
SleetTFT has mostly used Ionic Spark on the following champions: